Electrical panel replacement Seattle, WA

older electrical panel installationIf you’re in need of electrical panel service in Seattle, WA, you should definitely call in the electrical experts in the region, for instance, Larry’s Electric, which can provide both residential and commercial service when you need your electrical panel replaced or upgraded. This is not a do-it-yourself operation, and there are a number of hazards involved, so this is an operation best left to experienced and knowledgeable electrical contractors. An electrical panel changeout in Seattle, WA can be done professionally by Larry’s Electric, so you can have total confidence in the results, and will never have to worry about your electrical circuitry.

Is your electrical system up to snuff?

When an electrical panel begins to fail in your home or at your place of business, it can affect not only the whole system, but your entire household as well. Since the electric panel houses all circuit breakers in your system, it’s a lot like the nervous system of the human body, except that circuit breakers guard against short-circuits and current surges. They also hinder electrical fires, and they generally manage the entire flow of electricity throughout the household.

When a circuit breaker doesn’t trip like it should, excessive heat is conducted to the panel and to all the other circuit breakers inside it. That could lead to the melting of one or more circuit breakers housed inside the panel. Most of the time when a circuit breaker trips, it just needs to be reset, but if you find that one specific breaker is constantly tripping, you can bet there’s some other problem occurring behind the scenes. It’s very possible that you need an upgrade to your wiring or your panel, or there might be an individual circuit which has become overloaded.

Do-it-yourself or professional?

Even the most proficient do-it-yourselfer should seriously consider undertaking any work at all on an electrical panel. Without the proper training and knowledge, you might very easily run into a situation which becomes dangerous, and you might not even be aware of it. That could end up causing major damage to your property as well as to yourself.

Your first step if you suspect some kind of electrical issue with your panel is to contact your utility provider to see if there are any known issues in your neighborhood. After that, you should contact an expert electrical contactor like Larry’s Electric, so that a certified technician can be called in to inspect the problem and diagnose whatever the issue might be. Once we’ve had a chance to evaluate what’s going on with your electrical panel, we can make a recommendation on how to proceed in the most cost-effective manner, while still maintaining total safety for your household and its occupants.

Contact us

Whenever you think you might have an issue with your electrical panel, we hope you’ll call us at Larry’s Electric, because you won’t find a better or more reliable service in the entire Seattle, WA region. Not only will your problem be fixed by an electrical expert, but you’ll sleep better knowing that all electrical issues in the household have been resolved and that your household is safe from any further problems


(206) 227-3237


(206) 227-3237


8:00 am – 6:00 pm


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